Here they are about 3 months ago on St. Pat's day. For their birthday they are getting a new house. Today they are moving from their cramped condo into a real house. I'm sure they'll have plenty of fun exploring and wreaking havoc.
Spinning class the other night was frustrating. I tried out 2 wheels and neither one seemed to be working properly. I couldn't get them to wind the yarn on the bobbin so I just ended up with overly engerized yarn. At least I wasn't the only one. The young woman in our class gave up quickly, stating that she just wanted to spin on the drop spindle. One other woman was having about as much luck as I was. She took over the first wheel that I was one and had the same exact problems. The other two women had better luck but still were getting over energized yarn too. Here is what I was able to produce the other night. As you can see it is all kinked back on itself in places and some of it was hardly spun at all. I don't foresee myself buying a wheel any time soon.
At the end of class Barb ( the instructor) showed us the use of carders. I'd helped Sandy at a few living history demos back before I moved out here. She did all the spinning (I never tried it) and I sit carding wool for her. Here's the 3 rolls I did in class. Our home work this week is to card the rest of the fleece we cleaned last week.
When I got home I was so frustrated with how class had gone that I put the cats out to the garage and practiced with the drop spindle you sent for about an hour. DH was already asleep so I had no interruptions. The maroon blend from Sandy's Palette that you sent spins so easily that I've been using it for practice and I'm getting it pretty consistent. I mixed it a little with the merino the other day but it works great on it's own.
Happy Birthday again to all Flag Day Babies, young and not so young! And to the Yarn Harlot although in Canada it isn't Flag Day.
p.s. Did I mention it felt like the surface of the sun today? The temp read out in the car read 112 on the way home. Officially it was 110. Welcome summer
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