Hi Cindy,
Hope your weekend was nice. Colors changing yet? We've been so happy to be under 100 for most of the last week, fall must be here ;)
As you can see the picture is not a spinning wheel. DH broke down on Thursday and had to buy a cheap, practice mandolin. It sounds pretty nice and he'd learning to play it pretty well. His fingers are sore from practice.
While I did not get a wheel before he got his mandolin, we did stop by the store right afterwards so that we could look at them. I have it narrowed down to either the Kromski Minstral or the Ashford Traveler. DH is promising one as soon as he gets his payout from the county, starts his new job and gets his first check. The debate now is whether to by it from Fiber Factory or buy it online. Prices are about the
I made a slight alteration to Margi's sweater the other day. I added about an inch of 2x2 ribbing on the bottom edge to make it lay flat. It now looks better, more like a sweater and less like a dress. Teddy decided to get in on the act. Actually we just put it on him and he rolled around in it, trying to get out of it and looking cute. Margi had to ask him if he was enjoying it.
I started a kitty pi bed the other day. It is based on the Pi Shawl by Elizabeth Zimmerman and can be found at Wendy Knits. It is one of the first patterns I found online when I started knitting. Can you believe it has only been 2 years this coming week-next Saturday I believe. Margi loves to sit in my lap in this chair, whether I'm knitting or reading (just started Deathly Hallows again). She curls up and purrs away. I am using a soy silk-wool blend by Patons. I believe it is called Cabbage Rose. I also have 2 skeins of a blue mix that I might use for one for Teddy.
Well, it's time to head to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow. DH was bugging me to stay home a few more days but there's projects that I have to get done this week.
Happy Knitting,
1 comment:
Nice post! Either of those wheels would be great from what I've heard. Kids had a bad sleeping night so DH and I are pretty tired. More soon. C
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