Wow, January is zooming by. It's been such a snowy winter that we've been sledding and shovelling a lot but not skating yet. I've been spinning some, working on my gloves a little, working on my freeform vest (that's working up fast--blog post on that soon), playing on Ravelry, and planning my new aquarium. It'll be a used aquarium when I get it, which might be off
craigslist this weekend. I've had fun looking there and on the local
Freecycle list. Of course there's the usual family, home, and work responsibilities! ;) LOL, Sometimes I feel like I only tank about my hobbies!
The photo is of our backyard yesterday as we got another 3 inches. It's not piled up as much as it was because of the big melt we had at the beginning of the month.
The top from Susan's Spinning Bunny is excellent. I'm having another try at spinning singles. More on that soon too, love, Cindy
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