And I'm not talking spring. [Aside: We had lots of springish melting last week, followed by 6 fresh inches on Friday and snow showers on Sunday. 100 inches of snow for the season now. whew.] I'm talking about my loom! DH immediately requested a new valance for the bathroom window, which seems like a fine 1st project to me! Doesn't need to fit anyone ;) I think it'll take a while to get the hang of it. However, I'm working on a felted bag just now because I'm wanting a new purse, so the valance will need to wait a bit. My fish tank is coming along nicely too. Tawashi must be the world's quickest projects so I've squeezed in a few.
There's been a lot of sickness going around this month, so now everyone in good ol' WI is crazy for spring. We had our share of it and Saturday will be having a (rescheduled) birthday party for the kids. It is DD's actual bday and she can't be more excited. DS is back to school today after a week of sick followed by a week and a Monday of spring break. More soon, love, Cindy