And I'm not talking spring. [Aside: We had lots of springish melting last week, followed by 6 fresh inches on Friday and snow showers on Sunday. 100 inches of snow for the season now. whew.] I'm talking about my loom! DH immediately requested a new valance for the bathroom window, which seems like a fine 1st project to me! Doesn't need to fit anyone ;) I think it'll take a while to get the hang of it. However, I'm working on a felted bag just now because I'm wanting a new purse, so the valance will need to wait a bit. My fish tank is coming along nicely too. Tawashi must be the world's quickest projects so I've squeezed in a few.
There's been a lot of sickness going around this month, so now everyone in good ol' WI is crazy for spring. We had our share of it and Saturday will be having a (rescheduled) birthday party for the kids. It is DD's actual bday and she can't be more excited. DS is back to school today after a week of sick followed by a week and a Monday of spring break. More soon, love, Cindy
1 comment:
I'm looking forward to seeing everything!
I still don't have a date for when I'll be back there. I'm still hoping for the end of April but who knows. Dad is still in the hospital and his release keeps getting pushed back. The doctors were happy with what they found (or didn't find) with the biopsy but there seems to be an issue with either his heart or breathing. He's been on oxygen since Friday. He's also on a low sodium diet and getting pretty cranky. Hopefully he'll go home today even if it is with oxygen but who knows. I'm concerned that I/they aren't being told everything and that the docs will decide to do the other procedure on short notice. I'll let you know if it gets sprung on me.
Hope everyone is feeling back to normal.
I promise I'll write an entry soon.
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