Hope the spring has gotten off to a good start without too much snow recently. We've been pretty nice here but their predicting 90's by the weekend so the summer isn't too far behind.
I can't believe that its been over a month since I've sat down and written an entry. This last month has been all about the waiting. At least we've had good news about Dad's biopsy but you know that already. He has doctor appointments tomorrow and Wednesday so I'm hoping we'll have a date for the next surgery by the end of this week. He sounds much better since he's at home although he's still a bit breathy with the oxygen. I'm still hoping that I'll be able to join you when the Yarn Harlot comes to your fair town at the end of the month; I'm hoping the surgery will be right around that time, but not that day.
We are also waiting on DH's grandma. She had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago and was pretty much out of it for a week or two but is still hanging on. She turned 95 at the start of last month and hasn't given up yet. She has a hospice nurse that's been encouraging her to eat and regain her strength. At 95 her weight has probably dropped below her age so it is just a matter of waiting for her to be ready to go.
My dad's oldest living brother, Uncle Fred, went into the VA hospital on Easter Monday with congestive heart failure. He is over 80 and had a bypass several years ago. He's had several heart attacks through the years and one of these days it will be the end of him. Interesting fact about him, he was on the USS New Mexico at Pearl Harbor. He must have been only 17 or so at the time. My cousin K's dad took part in the D-Day invasion; my dad was only 2 months old at that time. Uncle Fred's wife just had knee replacement surgery. Every email or phone call from home is more of a health report than a conversation!
Other than that things here have been about the same. The weather has been nice, the citrus have bloomed and the rest of pollen season has hit. Normally I don't have allergy issues but they have hit me this year. I think the neighbor's "shaggy" pine has had a bumper season for pollen and has been making me miserable for about 2 weeks. It's getting better so hopefully it will be done soon.
I guess I'd better close this and get it posted. Take care and I'll let you know when I'll be back there. A
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