I'm going to talk about a few more health-related items so I'll throw in a picture of pretty yarn first to distract you. MMMM-yummy, soft Malabrigo, now I just need a pattern (shrug?).
More good news on the Dad-front this week. He had an oncologist appointment on Tuesday. Mayo Clinic confirmed that the spots removed were benign so definitely no chemo for him. He will need another PET scan in June and probably quarterly for the first year.
On Wednesday he saw the surgeon who feels that the issue with the one bypass is old and does not need repair at this time. No surgery right now unless it turns critical in the future. On the less-bright side, he is still on oxygen and likely to remain on it for a while. He sees a pulmonologist in a couple of weeks and then will probably be put on a steroid to help with breathing issues.
I'm due up for some fun of my own. I broke a tooth on Monday and now get to spend days in the dentist chair. The dentist was amazed by the break. It took off the outside back quarter of my right pre-molar and left the nerve exposed. And what was I doing to receive this joy? I was eating salad for lunch. After the fun of a full mouth x-ray series I got to find out just how much fun I'm in for. The same tooth on the left side is about to do the same thing so I get not one root canal (first one) but two. And they want to do both at the same time and perhaps start the crown build-up the same day. I also need the gum cut back at the broken tooth because it actually broke down below the gumline. The dentist was even talking about a filling for another tooth and a cleaning at the same time. He joked about me having to pack a lunch for the visit (as if I'll be able to eat for the rest of the day after all of that). All this is starting to sound like DH, his teeth problems have been much worse than mine for a long time. Be glad you have good teeth and keep the kids up on theirs, it will save them a world of trouble.
As a result of all of this I probably won't be able to join you for the Yarn Harlot's visit to your fair town. :(
I am planning on heading back that way in either May or June. It would be really nice to visit my parents and I want to help them get started on cleaning out the
house. Dad is hoping to be able to return to work and work into the start of September at least. He'll have 5 years in there at that point and it will mean extra $$ in his retirement. He had planned on working another 2 years until Mom reached retirement age but it sounds like that has changed. If the breathing issue doesn't get better he will probably have to take a medical retirement.

Anyways, I'll finish with a few pictures from DH's sock. It is coming along nicely although I need to get back on it. I had a needle break a few weeks ago when I had it in my bag so now I'm down to 4 needles, not 5. I think it was the water bottle I
had in my back that fell over and crunched the needle. A #2 bamboo needle just doesn't stand up to a liter bottle of water. CSI of the needle showed that it actually bent quite a bit before it gave way and snapped. Hard to say if it was gradual or if it was a quick fracture as the bottle fell over on it. I must have taken a corner to zippily on my way to work.

Take Care, more soon, A
P.S. There are some days when the formatting of blogger drives me crazy. I can't get the text to wrap around the pictures the way I like it and then it puts in extra returns or deletes some I've added. ARGHHHHH!
1 comment:
I'm a day late and a dollar short again . . . keep thinking I'll do a longer post or email. All is well here, just a bit of a struggle to make the transition to spring, now we feel behind in everything. Some water in the basement after a fierce rain, so new front gutter needed. Good news is that our van is now paid off! Somehow I thought we'd have some extra $ then, silly me.
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