Last Saturday was my mom's birthday. I didn't get anything knit for her beforehand so I decided to try a wet felted scarf. I chose approximately an each ounce of cranberry and charcoal merino plus a mix of coopworth and the mystery wool I carded when I took my first spinning class. Probably about 4 ounces total.
The middle layer was only the white, running vertically.
After felting the layers together, fulling the full piece with hot water and rinsing, I soaked it in vinegar water to get the final bits of soap out before tossing in the dryer for about 15 minutes. This gave it the final bit of fulling before I hung it to dry. I worked on the piece for about 3 hours total and then it took another 2 days for it to finish drying.
I cut several knitting catalogs into strips last week and made a paper chain for my friend CG's cubicle. Her birthday was on Sunday. She took a picture of them before she took them down so I'll eithe post it here, along with the crown I knit her, or post it on my finished Ravelry projects. It was pretty fun.
Hope you are staying warm! More soon, A
Wow! I'm TOTALLY in awe. I've made a few misshapen and uneven and holey wet felt but you are clearly a goddess. Maybe you need to give me a lesson in person one of these years ???
After doing the purse class in November I had a pretty good feel for what to do and where I needed to go further. Part of the secret is getting enough coverage so you don't get the holes. There was a spot or two where it is rather thin but no holes.
Dad is retiring on his birthday in March; he'll be 65. I'm hoping on being there at that point and I definitely want to get together while I'm there. Just got to watch the airline prices and figure out when.
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