You probably heard we've broken our all-time record for most snow in one winter; we've already had over 80 inches and it is snowing again right now! Good thing I like winter. Good thing we had a bit of a thaw in January or it would be hard to find the front door . . . We all would have happily skipped the inch or so of freezing rain yesterday. Maybe the pic is too small: it's the ice on the clothes line (we were a bit optimisti
Happily I got a lot of sewing up done on DH's vest; detailed post on that when it becomes a FO. Before that though, probably a post on our home improvement efforts for the year!
Also I'm trying to think up some new classes to teach at my LYS. Any suggestions? Love, C
Store-bought eau claires or home-made? Either way the cake looks totally yummy! Love the snitch and Hedwig. And the smiley birthday face too!
I'm vicariously enjoying all your winter weather from afar, just glad that I don't have to share it.
Homemade, very easy.
Primary day in WI today! When is/was AZ?
AZ was 2 weeks ago (Super Tuesday). We're now on the list for permanent mail-in ballots so we got ours in January and had them mailed out probably 2 weeks prior to the primary. I saw that over the weekend there were lots of big campaign visits around WI.
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