How much ketchup does it take to make a vegetable serving?
How much ice is under that snow on the roof? (notice the ice on the orange cord)
Have I been neglecting my blog to spend more time on Ravelry??
Why are there always assorted socks all over my house? Are they fleeing the laundry chute or the children's feet?
Why does the printer ink always run out at an inconvenient time?
Is there anything as amazing as how gorgeous as the ice on the trees? And the startling shade of blue of the clear winter sky?
Where are we going to stack the snow next time?
We got 2 more inches overnight; why is no one surprised?
Why are there big holes in my tawashi's petals?
Do you like my other work in progress?
I've joined the blogging group on Ravelry. Other people have been complaining about inserting pictures in their blogger posts. The suggestion is that you set everything as center placed. It mostly seems to work but I still like stuff on either side. The look of the page also changes depending on which computer I'm on, work or home. Which is weird since both are 19" monitors. The one at work tends to spread the text down the side of the picture (1-2 letters at a time) whereas the home one puts the same text below. Weird!
I love the wintery pictures. We've started hitting the 80's so all too soon summer will be here.
Your projects are most excellent too. Almost makes me want to learn the hook but not really. I think the cats would be too interested in fish and would try to drink from the tank.
Your picture (the second one on the post) showing the ice-covered trees is simply breathtaking.
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