The trouble is that you can't stop with just one. And they're so easy that multiples just pop up. It was one of the guy's that I worked with for a few months birthday over the weekend so they had cake for him on Friday. He is a big Trek/Star Wars/ LOTR's fan. I'd been thinking about making him a tribble for a while and figured this was a good excuse. I missed the actual party since we had to do a little field work. I talked to him later in the day on Friday and he'd already posted pictures on his MySpace page and sent them to his other geeky friends.
I had an awesome weekend with over 24 hours all to my lonesome. DH went up to his folks Saturday morning to visit them and his grandma who will turn 95 in 2 weeks. I stayed home because my uncle and cousin were arriving from KC. My cousin R is starting at a recording arts school next week. I didn't know what time they were going to get here or if they wanted to stay at my house before heading over to R's place that he's sharing with friends so I stayed home. They called at 7:30 Saturday to say that they were just leaving Flagstaff and wouldn't get to town until after 10 so they were just going to R's new place. I didn't see them until after noon on Sunday
when I showed them around a little and helped them find a few things.
Rather than get antsy waiting for them to call I spent the entire time knitting and spinning. I started the Cobblestone Pullover from IK Fall 2007 for DH. It's coming along nicely.
I also spent several hours on Saturday and Sunday sitting at the spinning wheel. I finished off the daffodil merino blend and then plied it with the lavendar. Here are the two skeins drying in front of the bathroom mirror. The yellow shows up more in person although in the picture the lavendar is showing more, how odd. I don't have anything planned for them yet but it should be something for spring.
I also started on some green English mixed roving. It will be something for DH, I just don't know what yet. I'm thinking I'd like to ply it with some brown or gray but I don't know yet.
I haven't got the book sent off yet so it probably won't get there in time. Sorry I'm such a slacker!
Don't freeze while your standing in line to vote! Take care, A
Tee hee . . .loved that post. Great to see your wheel in action, too! Gorgerous yorn, loving those spring colors!! ;)
It didn't turn out quite like I pictured it in my mind but I'm happy with it. I controlled the mixing, thickening up the lav in places and the yellow in others. I'm hoping it gives a bit of varigation to the finished project.
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